October 22, 2024

Protected Verde River riparian

When (and why) would you need a ”real” environmentalist?

That’s easy — When there are people who call themselves environmentalists” who turn places like this (which is home to a “threatened” species)…

A sedge meadow on the Verde River in Arizona—a true desert oasis: a source of stability and habitat in a land of extremes.
(Click for the rest of the story.)

Into something like this and extirpate the species in the process… I guess you’d call them “unreal” environmentalists.

Protected Verde River riparian
Protected Verde River riparian

How about when “environmentalists” get a chance to turn this…

into this…

and they turn it down, and come up with this instead… For $51 million!

Kaho'olawe 2

Kaho'olawe Barren

Or when they call this healed, because it’s protected…

8. Big Erosion 1 upload

And this ”in need of healing,” because it’s managed by a rancher to grow native grass to support his cattle and a healthy population of wildlife.

Road Eraser Lush
In need of healing?


















More coming. This is a work in progress.

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